Routemasters Rule!

Our buses do get about, you know.  Uxbridge, Ruislip…  we’ve been adding that extra special twist to people’s wedding days as only can!

Daniel’s wedding on 11th July looked like this…

Daniel Fairbairn, Wedding, 11th July 2015

Daniel Fairbairn, Wedding, 15th July 2015










And Lisa’s wedding included two very beautiful little bridesmaids who needed a helping hand getting on and off the back of the bus.  Take a look…



Lisa's Wedding, July 2015

Lisa’s Wedding, July 2015

Lisa's Wedding, July 2015

Lisa’s Wedding, July 2015

Also, Hannah’s wedding day was successful and she said, Excellent way of transporting all our guests from home to the registry office. Then onto the reception venue.  Looks fab in the pictures and everyone loved it!’

Hannah's Wedding, 30.7.15

Hannah’s Wedding, 30.7.15



Get in touch, we’d love to hear from you!

Email the wonderful Jen on; phone us on 01707 276066, or go here to fill out our ‘Contact Us’ form  Whichever way you get in touch, we’re happy to hear from you.

Any questions you have at all (hopefully related to vintage London Routemaster bus hire, but you can try asking us something else if you like!), we’ll bend over backwards and jump through hoops to give you the answer you’re looking for and ensure your special day is just that – special!



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