Proms and Weddings – All In One Day!

 Borehamwood, South Mimms, High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire… London, Soho, Parliament Square, Big Ben – we cover all these destinations plus more!

You can see how our customers feel about their Routemaster experience by clicking here – all feedback is gratefully received and taken on board (on board – excuse the pun!).

We love our jobs and they’re only made possible by you the jolly public, so please feel free to get in touch any which way you want to.

You can: email Jen, our trusty Office Manager, Bottle Washer and general all-round good egg at; simply click at the bottom of any page on our website to use our easy enquiry form, or use the good old telephone and call 01707 276066.

Thank you for reading today. I wish you all a happy week where all of your Routemaster Hire dreams come true!IMG_3040 [5787931]

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